herbal lotion

Herbal Lotion Recipe

Crafting your own herbal lotion can be a delightful and rewarding endeavor. To get started, we’ve got a straightforward recipe that you can follow:


1. Herbs: Choose dried herbs that are suitable for your intended purpose. Common options include lavender, chamomile, calendula, rosemary, and mint.

2. Carrier Oil: Select a carrier oil such as coconut oil, olive oil, sweet almond oil, or jojoba oil. The carrier oil will be infused with the herbal properties. Make an infused oil. You can use an infused oil.

3. Beeswax: Beeswax helps to solidify the lotion and give it a nice consistency.

4. Essential Oils (optional): These can add fragrance and additional therapeutic benefits.

5. Filtered Water or Herbal Infusion: Water is used to create the water phase of the lotion. You can also use an herbal infusion by steeping herbs in hot water and straining them.

6. Emulsifying Wax: This helps to combine the water phase and the oil phase.

7. Preservative (optional): If you intend to store the lotion for an extended period, consider adding a preservative to prevent microbial growth.


  1. Double boiler or microwave-safe bowl
  2. Mixing utensil
  3. Measuring cups and spoons
  4. Containers for storing the lotion (glass jars or plastic containers).


herbal lotion<br />


Prepare the Herbal Oil Infusion:

Place your chosen dried herbs in a glass jar.

Cover the herbs with your chosen carrier oil, ensuring they are completely submerged.

Seal the jar and place it in a warm, sunny spot for about 2-4 weeks, gently shaking it every day to help the infusion process.

Strain the Herbal Oil:

After the infusion period, strain the herbs from the oil using a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth.

Create the Water Phase:

If you’re using an herbal infusion, you can skip this step. Otherwise, heat a small amount of filtered water and let it cool down.

Prepare the Oil Phase:

In a double boiler or microwave-safe bowl, combine the herbal-infused oil and beeswax.

Heat gently until the beeswax is completely melted into the oil.

Combine Phases:

Heat the water phase separately and make sure both phases are around the same temperature.

Slowly pour the water phase into the oil phase while stirring continuously. This helps to emulsify the two phases.

Cool and Add Essential Oils:

Allow the mixture to cool slightly before adding any optional essential oils for fragrance and additional benefits. Stir well.

Pour into Containers:

Once the mixture has cooled further but hasn’t solidified, pour it into your chosen containers.

Cool and Solidify:

Allow the lotion to cool and solidify completely before sealing the containers.

Label and Store:

Label your containers with the date and ingredients used.

Store your herbal lotion in a cool, dark place.

Remember that working with herbs and oils requires attention and care. Make sure to research the properties and potential allergic reactions of the herbs you’re using, and perform a patch test before applying the lotion to a larger area of skin. Consulting with a knowledgeable herbalist or skincare expert can be beneficial if you’re unsure about any aspect of the process.

Simple Lotion Recipe


1 cup of apricot kernel oil or grapeseed, olive, almond, etc.. each type of oil will offer an additional benefit. If you want an herbal healing formula, use an herbal-infused oil like calendula, plantain, or St. John’s Wort oil.
1/2 cup coconut oil or hard fat oil like mango butter or shea butter.
1/2 cup beeswax pellets are the easiest to use.
2 tsp vitamin E oil (optional; you can also use Rosehip seed oil)
4 TBSP shea butter (or cocoa butter, optional)
15-20 drops of essential oils- Use essential oils like Lavender, Frankincense, Palmarosa, or Rose.


To create a luxurious homemade lotion, gather almond oil, coconut oil, beeswax, and shea/cocoa butter. Melt them together in a double boiler or in a glass bowl placed over simmering water. Remember to stir occasionally as the ingredients blend together. Once everything has melted, add some vitamin E oil and your preferred essential oils or scents for fragrance. Afterward, pour the mixture into a glass jar or tin for storage. Keep in mind that this lotion won’t pump easily. It is an excellent moisturizer that will keep your skin hydrated and healthy. Additionally, this homemade lotion has a longer shelf life than other similar products, so you can enjoy it for longer.

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The information presented on the Heart of Herbs Herbal School/Demetria Clark websites is for educational purposes only. Heart of Herbs Herbal School/Demetria Clark Education LLC makes neither medical claims nor intends to diagnose or treat medical conditions. Links to external sites are for informational purposes only. Heart of Herbs Herbal School/Demetria Clark neither endorses them nor is in any way responsible for their content. Readers must do their own research regarding the safety and usage of any herbs, recipes, or supplements.